Peterson Grain Co. - Cash Bids
Name Delivery Start Delivery End Short Month Basis Cash Price Futures Change Futures Price

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Quotes are delayed, as of March 28, 2025, 09:02:31 PM CDT or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.
Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of March 28, 2025, 09:02:31 PM CDT or prior.

**Prices are subject to change** Please call the office at (260)547-4336 to confirm prices.


DP Charges Corn & Soybeans 5 cents per month pro rated.

**Subject to change at anytime**


All Delayed Priced Corn and Soybeans will need priced by 8/31/2025. If it is not priced by then it will be priced at the closing that day.

**Per State Law**





Hours may very during harvest






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The wheat market closed with weakness across the three exchanges on Friday. Chicago SRW futures were falling back 3 to 5 cents on the session.

Soybeans Rally into the Weekend -

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Corn Bulls Push Back Higher into the Close -

The corn market closed the Friday session with contracts up 2 to 4 cents in the front months, with December down 1 ¼ cents. May was down 11 cents

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The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange